Our Strength
Experience with offshore projects
Years of engineering & offshore field experience with companies as Heerema Marine Contractors, Seaway Heavy Lifting, Allseas and others.
Due to the elimination of repetitive work for each project and investing in our own custom software we can deliver a competitive price.
Small & Flexible
We can maintain a flexible and small organisation by working with people from our own network on a temporary basis.
About Triton Offshore
Triton Offshore can assist companies with their offshore projects by delivering engineering support on and offshore where we focus mainly on the decommissioning of offshore structures.
This by providing technical reports, structural calculations and technical drawings to complete this task. We do this with a vast experience in decommissioning, installation, transportation and design of offshore structures.
Triton Offshore only works with a select group of people from its own network.
Triton Core Values
The complexity of decommissioning projects lead to the fact that Triton Offshore wields the following core values in terms of engineering:
Safety First
A solution to a problem can only be considered to be a good solution if it is safe. We believe that everyone has a say about safety. Any risen concerns with regards to safety will always be handled with care.
Keep it simple
A good solution is often a simple solution. If everyone can comprehend a solution, confusion is avoided, which contributes to safety.
A solution may never be more complex than the problem at hand.
Engineer to support
To provide the best solutions possible, operations and engineering should go hand in hand.
Triton Solutions
A common misconception with decommissioning is that it is often seen as a reverse of installation. In praxis however, it is often proven that decommission is complex. Both in terms of execution and engineering. The aging of platforms in terms of fatigue and oxidation is caused by a lifetime exposure to extreme environmental conditions which can severely impact the structural integrity of a construction. It might become impossible to lift the asset in the same way it was installed.
Why Triton Offshore?
Triton offshore can provide engineering support for decommissioning and installation projects throughout the world. Support can be given on wide variety of subjects and can also cover multiple disciplines.
For example, the creation of lift plans and rigging designs, structural analysis or development of tools and lifting appliances. When providing support, Triton Offshore always strives to base its engineering on actual experience gained in the field. One of our core values is that (Offshore) operations and engineering should go hand in hand.
Triton Offshore can supply you with an entire supporting engineering team. Also see our (preferred) way of working for more details with regards to the way engineering assignments are treated.
Offshore Support
At Triton we believe that engineering and support should go hand in hand. For that reason we like to engineer to support an (offshore) operation, rather than just providing a solution or deliverable. To facilitate this, all our project engineers have valued offshore experience, are certified to join offshore operations and are able to provide support onsite.
Our key to success is involving the parties that actually execute the job involved as early as possible. This is achieved by involving operational experts on what they think and implementing this feedback as much as possible. Where possible operational teams are also involved in our review cycles.
Triton also believes in having engineering support offshore. By having the persons that prepared the job on-board a lot of questions, changes or unforeseen situations, that require ad-hoc decisions/actions, can dealt with efficiently and safe. In addition it gives supervisors someone to rely on, with regards to in depth questions about your project.
To summarize, Triton believes in providing its clients with (project) engineers who can; prepare, execute, assist and reflect on their projects.
Software development and efficiency
As we all know a lot of time is lost due to repetitive work. Even with customized workflows and expensive software there is a lot of efficiency to be gained. We design and develop our own technical applications guided by our project’s needs.
With over a decade of experience with companies like Heerema Marine Contractors and Seaway Heavy Lifting, we know how software applications should be designed and developed. This reduces our lump sum price significantly where we stay ahead of the competition.
Triton Team

Jorit Focke
Jorit started his career of as a (CAD)-engineer in the offshore industry working at companies as Offcon, Seaway Heavy Lifting, Heerema Marine Contractors. After several years of (field)engineering he switched his career to a full time IT employee creating Technical Applications. After a few years working on decommissioning projects now joining this new challenge called Triton Offshore. Here his technical and IT skills will be his contribution to the company.

Richard Jansen
Richard started his career as a CAD Engineer at Dockwise Shipping. After years of experience in heavy marine transport, he moved on to his first offshore decommissioning project. Here he got the know-how of offshore heavy lifting and the decommissioning of offshore structures. During this decommissioning project Richard set up a well functioning Drawing Office with people of different background and experience.
Working at Triton Offshore
If you are looking for a 9 to 5 job with a steady income don’t join us. If you have built an impressive career in the offshore oil & gas industry and are looking for a freelance project with challenging deadlines and a short term well deserved income, join us.
We don’t hire people, we subcontract where our contracts are simple and straight forward. At Triton you become one of our network assets, fitting within our project team.
If you are looking to expand your network and take on challenging projects, feel free to send us your resume.
What Our Clients Say
“I hope to continue working with the Triton Offshore guys. Their infectious enthusiasm, especially for Scaldis’ future plans, makes me impatient – in a good way!” Read the full interview

Partnership with ESP Renewables
We are proud to announce that we achieved a partnership with ESP Renewables.
ESP Renewables and Triton Offshore joint goals will lead to even more knowledge sharing, the expansion of our services and the ability to serve our customers even better. Our partnership is a result of a common vision on doing business, with a strong focus on delivering quality and building long term relationships based on trust.